Whenever you mention financial advice, many people make a comment to the effect of “you need to have money to see a Financial Adviser.” Consider your current situation at the moment. Generally speaking, an average person earning a $100,000 salary each year for 10 years is likely to be worth approximately $1,230,000^ in that period – in a low inflation market.
In that same 10-year period, the average person would have expenses coming in each year. The mortgage repayments, car loans, credit card bills, school fees, holidays, etc. Now ask yourself these questions;
How do I balance my income and expenses in order to maintain my current lifestyle today?
How do I acquire investment assets to create wealth to enjoy my financial freedom tomorrow?
If my income ceases at any time, due to any unforeseen event, how would I ensure that my dreams and aspirations for me and my loved ones can still be achieved?
At Wealth Peak, we continually have these conversations every day. We know that the value of advice doesn’t lie in timing share markets and selling products; the true value of advice is in having an understanding of your current situation and future goals and having a well thought through strategy to achieve your goals. We’ve worked with many clients to;
Find a balance between their daily income and expenses to ensure that they can maintain their lifestyle for today;
Create a cash flow positive scenario where they can begin to acquire investment assets to start their wealth creation journey towards financial freedom tomorrow;
Protect their number one asset – income– to ensure that they can continue with their dreams and aspirations whatever the situation may be.
We can help you too. Contact us today for a chat about your money and let’s help you enjoy your financial freedom tomorrow.
^2.1% growth rate
General Advice Disclaimer
Note: – this article is of a general nature only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. Please consult a qualified Financial Adviser, like Wealth Peak Financial Advice, before making any decision on the basis of this article. Wealth Peak Financial Advice Ltd ABN: 24 615 007 326, is a Corporate Authorised Representative of Total Financial Solutions Ltd. AFSL 224954 and ABN 94 003 771 579